Available immediately, two units, Unit F is 2500sf and unit H is 1500sf. Located in Hesperia’s Industrial triangle in the I2 General Manufacturing zone. This zone is intended to provide for a full range of manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, warehousing and distribution use types associated with heavy industrial land uses, including outside manufacturing, warehousing and storage. Permitted uses include retail and wholesale sales of products manufactured on site. Manufacturing uses include textile mill products; food and kindred products; lumber and wood products; products of petroleum and coal; leather and leather products; stone, clay and glass products; machinery and electrical machinery; transportation equipment and rubber products. Additional uses include meat packing; sea food canning and curing; fireworks and pyrotechnics; motor vehicle dismantling and junk and salvage facilities; blast furnace or coke ovens; livestock feed and sales yards; sandblasting plants; tank farms for petroleum products; iron, steel, brass or copper foundry, rolling mill and boiler works and railroad yards. Owner requires minimum three year lease with annual increases equal to local CPI but never to exceed 5% in any one year.